With more than 50 companies of excellence established on the naval site and 150 external subcontractors, La Ciotat Shipyards are hiring new professionals in a variety of trades.



located in the naval site


in 2023


Les entreprises du site naval recrutent régulièrement

Shipyard companies are opening new job opportunities ahead to the upcoming yachting season in woodworking, mechanics, hydraulics, composites and electrical engineering.

If you have technical skills or specific training in boating (various naval experience), please send your CV to

Grâce au dispositif D’EMarE, companies located in La Ciotat shipyards receive personalized recruitment support from a local maritime industry expert.


Looking for an internship or employment opportunities on the site of La Ciotat Shipyards, apply to the offers below by sending your application to the mentioned contact. If no job offers match your profile, you can register a resume in our resume database which can be consulted by companies.


You are a company located in La Ciotat Shipyards, and want to hire or see CVs

Emploi(s) disponible(s)

Diversified professions

Manual or field work, offices job, naval industry offers a broad range of professions.

See onsite companies

Work in a stunning setting

Located in the heart of the city and on the edge of the Calanques National Park, La Ciotat Shipyards provide a unique working framework.

On-the-job training

The yachting trades require specific know-how and training within the companies working on the ships